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Edgro Schedule of Fees & Charges

Comparison  Charge of Fees & Charges

S. No Type of Charge Edgro
1 Application Fees Nil
2 Processing Fees Up to 2%
3 Stamp Duty As per State law
4 NACH Mandate Charge Nil
5 Mandate Rejection Charges Nil
6 Pre-Payment Charges Up to 4% of Principal Outstanding
7 Delay Charges INR 25/- per day till delay continues (Inclusive of GST)
8 Late Payment Interest 24% Per annum
9 Bounce Charge (Per Instance) INR 350/- + GST
10 Cooling off Period 15 Days
11 Duplicate NOC INR 200/- per instance
12 Cersai Fees (Per collateral) NA
13 Document Retrieval / Maintenance Charges NA
14 Cheque/ECS Swap Charges Nil
15 Repayment Mandate pickup charges (per visit) Nil
16 Collection Pickup Charges Nil

Note: In Karnataka, the minimum amount of stamp duty that a buyer has to pay is ₹500. This is in accordance with Article 6 of the Karnataka Stamp Act, which states that a stamp duty of 0.1% is charged for a loan agreement.